A Violin Without a Case, Tel Aviv, Israel, 8 Thursday 2011
A Violin Without a Case - Jewish Fiddle Music from Eastern Europe
Thursday, Dec 8 at 8:30 at the Inbal Theater in Tel Aviv, Daniel Hoffman will be premiering a new project with a fantastic band- Gilad Ephrat on contrabass, Boris Martzinovsky on accordion and Yair Salzman on drums and percussion.
He'll be playing traditional klezmer fiddle music as well as many of my own compositions based on the old style. He'll be performing the show on a violin from Tel-Aviv based violin maker Amnon Weinstein's Violins of Hope collection. These are violins that have been rescued from various locations that belonged to klezmorim who perished in the Shoah.
Tickets are 50 shach - tel: 03 5105656 http://www.inbal.org.il/
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