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Israeli JazzFest, San Francisco, CA, 29 Apr, 2012

Eli Degibri & Kevin Hays
Sunday, April 29, 3:00 pm

Scintillating Israeli saxophonist Eli Degibri in a duet session with the masterful pianist Kevin Hays.

3 Cohens and Gilad Hekselman Trio
Sunday, April 29, 7:00 pm

The 3 Cohens are a trio of siblings from Tel Aviv, Israel – tenor saxophonist/clarinetist Anat Cohen, trumpeter Avishai Cohen and soprano saxophonist Yuval Cohen – whose sense of improvisational interplay is both uncannily fluent and wonderfully, infectiously warm. 3 Cohens will be backed by a rhythm section featuring Pianist Yonatan Avishai, bassist Omer Avital, and drummer Obed Calvaire.

Gilad Hekselman Trio, featuring bassist Joe Martin and drummer Obed Calvaire and will present the opening set in this incredible night of Israeli Jazz.
Gilad Hekselman is a remarkable young guitarist who “has set himself roughly in the line of Pat Metheny and Kurt Rosenwinkle with a warm and clear guitar tone, clear articulation, crazily extended improvisational ideas, speed when he needs, an advanced understanding of harmony and the flexibility to go wherever his bands want…”
—Ben Ratliff, New York Times

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