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Nigun Feat, NYC, 27 Jun, 2012

East Village Klezmer Series: Lisa Gutkin (violinist w/Klezmatics w/special guest Pete Rushefsky

Wednesday, Jun 13 at 08:00 PM
325 East Sixth Street (b/n 1st and 2nd Ave),

4:30-6:00PM Yiddish Class taught by Dmitri Slepovitch $25
6 - 7:30PM Klezmer Workshop led by Aaron Alexander and various esteemed guests $25
8 – 9:15PM From Hungary: Nigun Feat
9:30 – 11PM Klezmer Jam Session, led by Aaron Alexander and guests

Featuring: Andras Parniczky, Matt Darriau

Full evening pass $35 (includes Workshop or Yiddish Class, Concert, Jam Session & one drink!)

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