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"The Twenty-Seventh Man," NYC, 28 Nov 2012

performance posterA Soviet prison, 1952. Judgment looms for the giants of Yiddish literature in Russia.

World Premiere Play
By Nathan Englander
Directed by Barry Edelstein
Featuring Happy Anderson, Byron Jennings, Daniel Oreskes,
Ron Rifkin, Noah Robbins, Chip Zien

November 28, 2012, 8pm
The Public Theater
425 Lafayette St.,
NY 10003
212 539 8500

Best-selling author Nathan Englander (What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank) adapts this new play from his acclaimed short story of the same name.

A Soviet prison, 1952. Stalin's secret police have rounded up twenty-six writers, the giants of Yiddish literature in Russia. As judgment looms, a twenty-seventh suddenly appears: Pinchas Pelovits, unpublished and unknown. Baffled by his arrest, he and his cellmates wrestle with the mysteries of party loyalty and politics, culture and identity, and with hat it means to write in troubled times. When they discover why the twenty-seventh man is among them, the writers come to realize that even in the face of tyranny stories still have the power to transcend.

VIDEO! Director Barry Edelstein and Actor Ron Rifkin discuss the history behind THE TWENTY-SEVENTH MAN, the writing of Nathan Englander, and the process of adapting a story for the stage.

$55 tickets through November 17 using code WRITER.
Click here for tickets and more info or call the Public Theater Box Office at 212-967-7555.

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