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Mogulesco: A Tale of Yiddish Theater, Somerville, MA, 3 December 2012

Mogulesco: A Tale of Yiddish Theater
December 3, 2012 at 8:00pm
Distler Performance Hall, Granoff Music Center
20 Talbot Ave, Somerville, MA

A musical revue of the life and work of Zelig (Sigmund) Mogulesco (1856-1914), often called the “Charlie Chaplin of the Yiddish theatre”. As opposed to the heaviness and melodrama of the early period, Mogulesco was known for his comedy, agility, and also songwriting—he penned no less than "Khosn kale, mazl tov." Written by Mark Slobin. Performed by the Jumbo Knish Factory; Michael McLaughlin, director. Co-sponsored by Tufts Music and Hillel. Free; no tickets required

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