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Gragger/Noisemaker! Purim Party, Boston, MA, 23 Feb 2013

GRAGGER/NOISEMAKER! Boston Workmen's Circle's 6th Annual Purim Party
Spontaneous Celebrations (45 Danforth St. JP)

February 23, 2013
8pm-1am (or any time in between)
$10-20 sliding scale

Join us to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim when we turn the world on its head in a rowdy call for justice and joy! All are welcome.

*Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band
*DJ D'hana and DJ MC
*A whole lot of dancing
*Rad political theater
*Competitive costume contest
*Festive face-painting
*Stocked cash bar
*Delicious homemade hamantaschen (and other yummy snacks)

Cosponsored by the Moishe/Kavod Jewish Social Justice House

We regret that the location is not accessible to folks using wheelchairs.

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