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Metropolitan Klezmer, NYC, 24 Nov 2013

band photoMetropolitan Klezmer

Sunday, November 24, 2013, 8:30pm-10pm
Cornelia St. Cafe
29 Cornelia Street (betw. Bleecker & W. 4th)
New York City

More info: www.corneliastreetcafe.com/list2010c.asp?sdate=11%2F24%2F2013

A rare evening show in Manhattan: Metropolitan Klezmer returns to Cornelia Street Cafe, classic NYC West Village "culinary and cultural landmark" (downstairs cabaret stage), with full menu and bar available too.

Fabulous SEVEN-piece band: amazing guests! Grand piano.
$10 food or drink minimum + $10 cover.

Debra Kreisberg, clarinet & alto saxophone
Pam Fleming, trumpet & flugelhorn
Karen Waltuch, viola
Melissa Fogarty, vocals
Rachelle Garniez, accordion & piano
Brian Glassman, upright bass
Eve Sicular, drums | bandleader

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