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Malachei Mambo, Cambridge, MA, 27 Feb 2014

Malachei Mambo: A Dance Party with The Angels of Mambo

Thurs, Feb 27, 2014, 8pm
Two Arrow Street,
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Where ever Jews are, they infuse the rhythms of the community they are in. Enjoy an evening of music from Latin America and more with an all-star band of Latin and Jewish musicians from Cuba, Argentina, Guatemala and Brazil led by the inimitable Gaston Bogomolni. A multi-media event, perfect for Harvard Square's Oberon, with music, photography by Linda Hirsch, and dance instruction.

This event for young adults is presented with New Center NOW and is made possible with support from Combined Jewish Philanthropies.

Tickets: $25 for table seating, $20 for general admission
Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/352690838204294/

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