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Mama Doni Purim Bash, Newton, MA, 9 Mar 2014

Mama Doni Purim Bash

Sun, Mar 9, 1pm
Leventhal-Sidman Jewish Community Center
333 Nahanton St
Newton, MA

Back by popular demand! Get ready to dance, sing, laugh and just enjoy this festive, high-energy, interactive family concert with the human dynamos, Mama Doni and her Band. Featuring sing-alongs, catchy pop tunes, and a costume parade for kids to strut their Purim best. Presented in partnership with the PJ Library and the Greater Boston JCCs.

Advance Tickets: $12 (JCC Member: $10), at the door $15 for adults
Special family price: $40
Click here to purchase advance tickets

More info: bostonjewishmusicfestival.org/events/mama-doni-purim-bash/.

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