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Triangle Fire: A Musical Tribute, NYC, 23 Mar, 2014

Triangle Fire: A Musical Tribute

SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 • 2 PM
Eldridge Street Synagogue
12 Eldridge St.

This moving concert, with performers Lisa Gutkin, Pete Rushefsky, Uri Shalin and Rémy Yulzari, features songs co-authored by Woody Guthrie and members of the Klezmatics, and original klezmer pieces written by Lisa Gutkin and Pete Rushefsky. This concert is dedicated to the Garment Workers of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, and to the Followers of the Trail, an organization of garment workers in the 1920′s who committed their lives to changing working and living conditions in the United States.

$20 adults; $15 students and seniors
Tickets online

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