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"Violins of Hope," Montreal, Canada, 23 Mar 2015

Violins of Hope
A Book Launch and Musical Performance

Mon, Mar 23, 7:30pm
Segal Centre for Performing Arts
5170 Côte Ste-Catherine
Montreal, QC, Canada

Join Dr. James A. Grymes for the only Canadian stop on his tour to launch his new book, Violins of Hope, with a unique multimedia presentation on Monday, March 23, 7:30 p.m.

Dr. James A. Grymes, interim chair of the UNC Charlotte Department of Music, will read from his critically acclaimed new book, Violins of Hope: Instruments of Hope and Liberation in Mankind’s Darkest Hour, with performances of related music and video clips throughout the evening. A book signing will follow. Violins of Hope tells the remarkable stories of violins played by Jewish musicians during the Holocaust then recovered and restored by Israeli violin-maker Amnon Weinstein.

Academy Award-winning composer John Williams writes, “Violins of Hope is a work of research and scholarship that forms one of the most moving chronicles in the history of Western music.”

General admission $25, prestige tickets $100 (includes reserved front seating and a private VIP cocktail prior to the performance). For tickets call the Segal Centre Box Office (514) 739-7944 or buy online at segalcentre.org. Prestige tickets available by phone only.

JPL LogoThe Jewish Public Library, founded in Montreal in 1914, is committed to encouraging and promoting the Yiddish language, culture and literature, by collecting and preserving Yiddish materials, and by presenting a variety of cultural events.


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