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Roshel Rubinov Ensemble, NYC, 11 May 2015

Roshel Rubinov's internationally-renowned Central Asian ensemble

Monday, May 11th, 12:15PM-1:30PM
At Queens College Hillel - Ellen Koppelman Lounge
Student Union 206,
65-30 Kissena Blvd. (corner of Kissena Blvd and Melbourne Ave)
Flushing, Queens, NY


The concert will feature repertoire from the classical Central Asian repertoire, known as "Maqom", as well as other selections. The ensemble features Roshel Rubinov (voice and tanbur - long-necked lute), Yakov Rubinov (doira - frame drum) and Ilya Khavasov, voice.

Roshel Rubinov is a master singer, poet, composer, and instrumental virtuoso. He was born in 1966 in Shahrisabz, Uzbekistan, and from 1983 to 1987 he attended the Mirzo Tursunzoda Art Insitute in Tajikistan, where he studied music and poetry with such luminaries as Neryo Aminov, Barno Ishoqova, and Abubakr Zuhuriddinov. Rubinov immigrated to Queens in 1995, where he quickly became one of the most active musicians in the Bukharian scene. He has performed at Carnegie Hall and on many other high profile stages in New York and around the world.

Yakov Rubinov, Roshel's brother, was born in 1961 in Shahrisabz. An expert drummer, Yakov taught himself to play doira from a young age. Ilya Khavasov was born in Samarkand in 1961. Today, he is one of the leading singers in New York. Together, the Rubinovs and Khavasov perform classical music and popular music for weddings and other celebrations, bringing Bukharian traditions to a new generation.

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