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KulturFestNYC: Bonjour Monsieur Chagall, NYC, 18 Jun 2015

The Ester Rokhl and Ida Kaminska Jewish Theatre presents "Bonjour Monsieur Chagall"
Performed In Yiddish with English Translation Supertitles

Thu 6/18 2pm and 7pm
Abrons Arts Center
466 Grand St,


Bonjour Monsieur Chagall is a colorful musical performance based on poetic works and painting by Marc Chagall. The play is reminiscent of the atmosphere of the Jewish World from Eastern Europe, where this extraordinary artist grew up and evolved. Vivid visions of the painter from Vitebsk revive in the scenes abounding in nostalgic humor, lyrical Jewish music, dance and a fairylike atmosphere. The script was inspired by a personal meeting of Jewish theater director Szymon Szurmiej with Chagall himself.

part of #KulturfestNYC week-long international Jewish performing arts festival (100+shows)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/1610231209222277/

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