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Kultur Festival 2016: Bernstein's Jeremiah Symphony, Boca Raton, FL, 6 Mar 2016

Bernstein’s Jeremiah Symphony + KlezmerJAZZ

March 6, 2016 at 3:00 PM
Carole and Barry Kaye
Performing Arts Auditorium
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL

TICKETS: $20, $29, $39, $45
More info/tickets
tel: 800-564-9539

Aaron Kula will lead two different KCO ensembles in a truly unique and innovative “crossover concert” that features a 60 member symphony orchestra and a 14 member Klezmer Jazz band. Kula will conduct a full performance of Bernstein’s rarely heard “Jeremiah Symphony” with soprano Jovanca Jean-Baptiste singing the Hebrew text. KCO’s Klezmer jazz ensemble will also perform selections from their newly released CD JubanoJazz and works by the winners of the 2016 Composition Competition. This year mark’s KCO’s 19th season at FAU under the direction of conductor/accordionist Aaron Kula with works selected from FAU Libraries’ Jewish Print Music Collection.

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