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Gao Hong & Steven Greenman, St. Paul, MN, 14 Jan 2016

The Braided Candle—Jewish Violin Meets Chinese Pipa
Steven Greenman and Gao Hong

In this captivating collaboration, internationally acclaimed musicians Steven Greenman (violin) and Gao Hong (pipa) weave a braided tapestry of musical impulses through improvisation, the use of ancient musical modes and contrasting rhythms inspired by both traditions.

Thurs, Jan 14, 2016

Kang Le Adult Day Care Center
5593 West 78th Street
Edina, MN 55439

Sholom East Campus Auditorium
740 Kay Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55102

6:30pm-9pm Central
McNally Smith College of Music – Auditorium
19 Exchange Street East
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101

Pre-concert Discussion/Demonstration at 6:30 p.m.
Concert begins at 7 p.m.

tel: 2162806033

More info: www.stevengreenman.com

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