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A Besere Velt & The Klezmatics, Brookline, MA, 14 May 2016

Daughters: Journeys to a Better World"
The Klezmatics with A Besere Velt, the Yiddish Chorus of Boston Workmen's Circle

Saturday, May 14, 2016
Temple Ohabei Shalom
1187 Beacon St
Brookline, MA

Tickets range from $25-$118. Purchase at tevye.brownpapertickets.com or by calling the Brown Paper Tickets Box Office at 1-800-838-3006.

In his timeless contribution to literature and Jewish culture, Sholem Aleichem captured a poignantly rebellious spirit in the stories of Tevye and his daughters. Immortalized in "Fiddler on the Roof," these young women represent a new generation of free thinkers, grappling with tradition to pursue their dreams. Join us as we imagine, with loving and bittersweet humor, how Tevye's daughters, and subsequent generations, forge a proud new tradition of social activism as revolutionaries, union leaders, Freedom Riders, Wall Street Occupiers, feminists, and militant millennials.

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