Yiddish/Klezmer Dance Workshop w/Chicago Klezmer Ensemble, Evanston, IL, 31 Aug 2016
Yiddish / Klezmer Dance Workshop with Chicago Klezmer Ensemble
Wed, Aug 31, 2016, 7:30pm
The Musical Offering,
743 Custer Ave.
Evanston, IL
Guests of Jon Feller and Paul James Lewis - free
General admission - $10
Students at The Musical Offering - $5
Why you might want to participate:
- to have fun,
- you like klezmer music and would like to know how to actually dance a bulgar, freylekhs, or zhok.
- to learn a little something about how music and dance fit together,
- to meet others who share these interests,
- to ‘just’ listen to our music....
- and last, but not least, to support your local musician community :-)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/838218166312892/