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Community Klezmer Initiative, Ardmore, PA, 30 Oct 2016

Community Klezmer Initiative

Sun, Oct 30, 2016, 1:30–3:30pm
Palm Center for Positive Aging
117 Ardmore Ave.
Ardmore, PA

We have a new home. The Palm Center for Positive Aging in Ardmore, PA is hosting the Jam events each month. It's easy to get to, lots of parking and very accessible by public transportation. Bring your instrument and a music stand. CKI will have music provided. We have books in the key of C and Bb.

If you would like, come prepared to entertain with your solo piece of Klezmer work or Yiddish song. We're going to have an open mic along with the Jams!

For the culinary lover in you bring a nosh as we will have some serious noshing treats there. It's a Nosh-luck event!

There is room for dancing so come kick up your heals to the wonderful sounds of klezmer!

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