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Lenka Lichtenberg & Fray, Washington, DC, 7 Dec 2016

Lenka LichtenbergLenka Lichtenberg & Fray

Wed, Dec 7, 2016, 6-7pm
Kennedy Center, Millennium Stage
Washingon, DC


Lenka Lichtenberg & Fray bring their special brand of new and traditional "Yiddish Roots & Global Sounds” music (songs are Yiddish-based with some Czech and English), to Aaron Alexander's New York Klezmer Series. Concert is part of the band's tour with new release "Yiddish Journey" (ARC Music).
Lenka: vocals, harmonium, piano; Alan Hetherington: drums, pandeiro, vocals; Chris Gartner: bass; Ravi Naimpally: tabla, darbuka. SPECIAL GUEST! Tamer Pinarbasi: qanun.

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