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Yiddish songs of struggle and protest, Sharon, MA, 19 May, 2017

Yiddish songs of struggle and protest Cantors Jeff Klepper and Becky Khitrik, with the Temple Sinai Choir present annual Gussman Service Fri, May 19, 2017, 7:30pm - 8:30pm Temple Sinai 25 Canton Street Sharon MA 02067 p: (781) 784-6081 "These biting songs are very different than the lullabies and comedic songs we often associate with Yiddish music. They are political songs, sung originally at meetings of the Jewish Bund (labor union) early in the 20th century. Some of them originated in Russia prior to 1917 and were brought here by Jewish immigrants. Many were composed and sung during labor strikes and rallies protesting the terrible conditions of sweatshops where so many, including children, were forced to work long hours at low pay." "Our Gusman Service on May 19th is not merely about Jewish art and collective memory -- it is a celebration of our people's long tradition of civic engagement and social concern. Please join us for this special musical event!"

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