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Nyu-York in yidishn lid@Yiddish New York, NYC, 26 Dec 2017

Sheva Zucker: Nyu-York in yidishn lid (The Many Faces of New York in Yiddish Poetry)

Tuesday, December 26, at 4 PM
Chapel of the Town and Village Synagogue
334 E 14th St,
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 677-8090

"Dzhungl, un gedreng un umzin vilder" (jungle, crush, upheaval, wild absurd), wrote the poet Arn Glanz Leyeles about New York almost 70 years ago. For some, New York was the beacon light of the Statue of Liberty, a home where immigrants found freedom and endless possibilities. To others it was a "wild absurd" where amidst the teeming millions one felt oneself more alone than ever. We will read Yiddish poems about New York from early voices such as Leyeles and Moyshe-Leyb Halpern to more contemporary ones such as Reyzl Zhikhlinski and Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman. Poems will be available in both Yiddish and English translation. Discussion leader will speak Yiddish.

More info/registration
Facebook: www.facebook.com/yiddishnewyork/

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