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March 3, 2006

Sagol 59 CD release party, Jerusalem, Israel, Mar 3

"Hip Hop Einstein," Sagol 59's fourth album, will be released nationwide March 1st, on NMC Records.

To celebrate the release, Friday, March 3, at 12 PM, there will be a release party at Tuvya (6 R' Shushan, Jerusalem).

To hear the lead single from the LP, "Current Affairs," visit cornerprophets.com/?p=9.

For more info, visit Sagol's MySpace page at www.myspace.com/sagol59.

Fleytmusik weekend, Bethesda, MD, Mar 3-5

FleytMuzik, with Adrianne Greenbaum, (flute) Pete Rushefsky (tsimbl)
and Marty Confurius (bass), will perform at Beth El in Bethesda, MD for a Shabbat weekend, March 3,4, and 5.

Friday night is a Klezmer Kabbalat Shabbat , with all instrumental tunes composed by Adrianne. Service begins at 6:30 with dinner following.

Saturday evening is Havdala followed by a Malaveh Malkah dessert and dancing, with the above musicians plus guest clarinetist and lister, Tom Powalski. We'll dance the evening away with my leading of the freylekhs, sher, hora, and whatever else people are up for doing. (Social dancing as well, I'm told....so I will bring the keyboard and Tom will lug the sax. Something for everyone....)

Sunday morning will be a Hebrew school program introducing the kids to klezmer.

Call 301-652-2606 for reservations and more info. (The office might be confused, somewhat, since the flyers said "Klezical Tradition" instead of FleytMuzik....same flutist, different ensemble....just so you know up front why the potential confusion on their part....) Hope to see some of you Southerners there!