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July 14, 2006

3rd KlezMORE Festival, Vienna, Austria, Jul 2-16

festival log 3rd KlezMORE Festival
July 2-16
Vienna, Austria
Festival-info: +43(0)676 - 512 91 04 www.klezmore-vienna.at

Liebe KlezMORE Festival Vienna-Fans—und alle, die es noch werden wollen!

Keine Eintagsfliege, sondern schon bald wieder Institution#8212;das 3rd KlezMORE Festival Vienna 2006 zieht wieder ins Lande, und es zieht immer mehr Interessenten an. Aufgrund dieser positiven Entwicklung vergrössern wir deshalb mit großer Freude das KleZMORE Festival. Zwei Wochen lang können Sie aus dem vielseitigen Angebot wählen, ohne etwas zu versüumen.

Am Programm stehen diesmal

  • 8 Konzerte (davon 6 Doppelkonzerte)
  • 4 Klezmer-Tanz mit Leon Blank
  • 3 Klezmerbrunch
  • 1 F@uuml;hrung (Gedenkst@auml;tte Karajangasse)
  • 1 Lesung und Gesang mit Aron Saltiel
  • 1 Lesung mit Topsy K@uuml;ppers

sowie die Pr@auml;sentation der Wanderausstellung der Stadt Gelsenkirchen, "Klezmer#8212;hejmisch und hip".

Im Klezmerfestival-Club Tachles k@ouml;nnen Sie spontane Sessions erleben, und Kr@auml;fte f@uuml;r die n@auml;chsten Tage sammeln.

Werte Besucherinnen und Besucher, freuen Sie sich mit uns auf die Er@ouml;ffnungsgala im Porgy & Bess, sowie auf spannende und einmalige Begegnungen beim 3rd KlezMORE Festival Vienna 2006.

Viel Vergn@uuml;gen! Friedl Preisl

Weimar Yiddish Summer, Weimar, Germany, Jul 11 - Aug 10

Weimar Yiddish Summer - Yiddish weekYiddish Summer Weimar 2006: Basarabye!
The Weimar Klezmer Weeks, runs this year from July 11 through August 10 in Weimar, Germany.

Weimar Yiddish SummerPossibly the most romanticized of all the "old worlds" of Yiddish, Bessarabia (part of present-day Moldova) is still mythic in Jewish memory and imagination today. Much of the modern klezmer "sound" as well as many Yiddish dances and songs point back to Bessarabian origins. Devastated by war and politics, the remnants of Bessarabian Yiddish culture survived the 20th century scattered throughout the world. In 2006, Weimar Yiddish Summer (formerly Weimar Klezmer Weeks) will gather together artists and musicians from the USA, Moldova, the Ukraine and elsewhere to conduct a unique, month-long, intensive workshop/festival focusing on Bessarabian Yiddish expressive culture.

As in past years, Weimar Yiddish Summer explores one subject at a time in workshops lasting from 3–7 days. In 2006 our subjects are: Yiddish Language (beginning and intermediate), Learning By Ear, Introduction to Klezmer Music, Yiddish Song, Dance Music for Musicians, Yiddish Dance, and Advanced Klezmer Music (see schedule).

Program director Alan Bern has given Weimar Yiddish Summer 2006 an even stronger emphasis on interculturality: in addition to the regular group of eminent faculty, guests in 2006 include clarinetist German Goldenshteyn (Bessarabia/USA), singer Arkady Gendler (Ukraine), singer/songwriter Efim Chorny (Moldova), dance teacher Nicolae Grinbincea (Moldova), and many others. Michael Alpert and Zev Feldman will lead us through Bessarabian Yiddish history and ethnography as well as Yiddish dance.

As always, daytime classes are complemented by evening programs including public jam sessions in Weimar's cafes, concerts, dances, films, lectures, and more. Participants come from all over Europe, North America, and even Asia, and often form personal and professional relationships that extend far beyond Weimar. Whether for a single workshop or for the entire period, we invite you to join us in 2006 for what promises to be the most exciting and challenging Weimar Yiddish Summer yet!
