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November 4, 2006

Yair Dalal, NYC, Nov 4

The American Sephardi Federation Presents
Sounds of Bagdad: A Music Journey with Yair Dalal

A unique performance in the four-day program
Back to Babylon: 2600 Years of Jewish Life in Iraq
Exploring the venerable and multifaceted culture of Iraqi Jewry
November 2-5, 2006

WHEN: Saturday, November 4, 2006 at 7:30 PM
WHERE: Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York City

During the first half of the 20th century, Jews were virtually the only instrumentalists in the Iraqi musical scene. All the musicians from Iraq who attended the first Arabic music congress in Cairo in 1932 were Jewish (but one). With the exile of the Jewish community in the 1950痴, many famous Iraqi Jewish musicians immigrated to Israel.

Their legacy is still strong today, both in the preservation of the traditional Iraqi Maqam, and in its influence on contemporary Israeli music.

Yair Dalal痴 musical program retraces the steps of the great Babylonian musical heritage thorough the sacred songs rooted in the Iraqi Jewish tradition. It will include traditional Sabbath Zemirot, pieces from the Shevahot repertoire (songs of praise performed at communal gatherings), and instrumental classics by Iraqi-Jewish composers like Salah and Daud al-Kuwaiti.

Born in 1955, composer, violinist and oud player Yair Dalal is one of the most prolific Israeli ethnic musicians today. Over the last decade he released nine albums, covering wide and varied cultural territories. His work reflects the strong affinity he has for the desert and its habitants. Dalal痴 family came to Israel from Baghdad and he has included a host of Iraqi traditional musical sources in his work. Whether performing on his own, or with his Alol ensemble, Dalal creates new Middle Eastern music by interweaving the traditions of Iraqi and Jewish Arabic music with a range of influences originating from such diverse cultural milieus as the Balkans and India. Dalal is one of a handful of artists who preserve and sustain the Babylonian musical heritage of the wonderful Jewish Iraqi musicians who emigrated from Iraq to Israel in the 1950s, from whom he learned much of his craft. During the past years, Dalal has collaborated with top musicians from all over the globe, from different disciplines, including celebrated western classical conductor Maestro Zubin Mehta, Jordi Savall and Hesperion XXI, L.Shankar, Hamza el Din, Michel Bismuth, Ken Zuckerman, Armand Aamar, Shlomo Mintz, Maurice el Medioni and Mustafa Raza, Cihar Askin, Ensemble Kaboul, Adel Salameh, The Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Kamerata Jerusalem Orchestra, and more. He participates and lectures in the Keshet Elyon Violin workshops, ISME - Music Education, European Network for Traditional Music and Dance, Mendocino Middle East Music Camp, and the Mediterranean Musical Dialogue in Israel.


Folksbiene: Di Yam Gazlonim (Pirates of Penzance), NYC, Oct 29 - Nov 12

A fully-staged, off-Broadway FOLKSBIENE THEATRE production of Al Grand's YIDDISH "PIRATES OF PENZANCE" a.k.a. DI YAM GAZLONIM will take place at the JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. (at 76th St.) from October 29th through November 12, 2006 ( with English and Russian supertitles). To purchase tickets call TICKET CENTRAL at 212-279-4200 or visit their website at www.ticketcentral.com
or Buy at Box Office:
Ticket Central Box Office
416 W 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Open Daily 12-8pm

Nov 4
Performance at 8pm

Jewish Musicians at the Tudor Court, NYC, Nov 4

Miller Theatre at Columbia University commences the Early Music series with
England's famed viol ensemble FRETWORK comes to Miller to perform this fascinating program

Saturday, November 4, 8:00PM
with a 7:00PM pre-conceert lecture by Alan G. Stewart, professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University

Single Tickets: $35
Students $21 with valid ID
Columbia University's Miller Theatre is located north of the Main Campus Gate at 116th St & Broadway on the ground floor of Dodge Hall.

"This may be the single most interesting evening of Jewish music in town this fall."—George Robinson, The Jewish Week 9/8/06

From Miller Theatre's Executive Director George Steel, who "has been the champ at parlaying his own enthusiasms for new and early music into artistic success" (New York Magazine): "Our program with Fretwork promises to be startling and ear-opening. That many of the central musicians in one of England's greatest musical royal families were Jewish is a revelation, and this program should do much to rewrite assumptions about the Tudor style."

The scholarly detective work of musicologist Roger Prior has revealed that the majority of the instrumentalists in the Tudor Royal Household were Jewish. Recruited from Italy by Henry VIII, several of the founding families of Tudor court music-the Bassanos, the Comys, and the Lupos-were Spanish and Portuguese Jews who had settled in Italy after the Expulsion of 1492. Energized by Prior's discoveries, George Steel invited Fretwork, described as “the finest viol consort on the planet,” (the UK's Evening Standard), to create a program exploring the extraordinary legacy of these musical pioneers.


Augustine Bassano: Pavan & Galliard No. 1
Heironymus Bassano: Fantasia No. 1 in 5 parts
Joseph Lupo: Pavan in 5 parts
Thomas Lupo: Pavan, Air, and Fantasias, in 3, 4, and 5 parts
Theophilus Lupo: Shows & nightly revels in 2 parts
Philip van Wilder: Fantasia con e senza pause
Leonora Duarte: Two Symphonies in 5 parts; A suite of dances from the 'Lumley Part Books'
Orlando Gough: Birds on Fire, Parts I and II
Heinrich Isaac: La mi la sol
Salmone Rossi 'Ebreo': Simphoniae; Ruggiero


FRETWORK (Wendy Gillespie, Asako Morikawa, Susanna Pell, Richard Boothby, Richard Campbell, and Richard Tunnicliffe)

Since its London debut in 1986, FRETWORK has given concerts and broadcasts around the world, made numerous highly successful recordings, set new standards in the performance of the great English music for viol consort, and generated a living repertory for the medium. In addition to frequent appearances throughout Western Europe, the group has visited Russia, Lithuania, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada. The group's wide range of repertoire includes In Nomines and Fantasias by Christopher Tye, Thomas Tallis, Robert Parsons, and William Byrd; dance music by Anthony Holborne and John Dowland; grand sonority of six-part consorts; organ works by Orlando Gibbons and William Lawes; and the late flowering of the tradition in the music of Matthew Locke and Henry Purcell. While many of Fretwork's audiences are already familiar with its series of Virgin Classics recordings of works by the great English composers, its repertory includes not only works from 16th Century and 17th Century Flanders, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, but also entirely new music. One of the most successful ideas of recent years has been the combination of the contemporary with ancient music. Fretwork has worked with the leading singers of all the various types of music they perform, such as Michael Chance, James Bowman, Catherine Bott, Emma Kirkby, Susan Bickley, Paul Agnew, John Potter, and Richard Wistreich.

Hélène Engel, Geneva, Switzerland, Nov 4

...... en SUISSE
....................avec le groupe HOTEGEZUGT

Le 4 Novembre à 20h30
CPO à Lausanne (Centre Pluriculturel et social d'Ouchy)
Beau-Rivage 2 Lausanne
Prix d'entrée: entre 14 et 22 Fs
Réservations: 004121 616 26 72

Red Sea Pedestrians, Kalamazoo, MI, Nov 4

The Red Sea Pedestrians are performing at Bells Brewery in Kalamazoo, Michigan on November 4. 9:30pm, $5. Five-piece, ecletic and original klezmer-influenced band from West Michigan.