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Friday 4 July, 2014, 7:30pm
Howard Theatre,
Downing College,
Cambridge, UK
Tickets: £20.00, £15.00
Student standby tickets on the door just prior to performance: £5.00
Early Summer Season tickets: £32.00, £25.00
Tix online
More info: www.cambridgeearlymusic.org/Concert-2014-EarlySummer-Fretwork.php
4 July, 8pm
Beaminster Festival
Andrea Pancur & Ilya Shneyveys feat. Grammy-Gewinner Lorin Sklamberg
14:30, Bühne wird noch bekannt gegeben
Alan Bern (Akkordeon, Piano)
Evi Heigl (Geige)
Guy Schalom (Schlagzeug)
Lorin Sklamberg (Gesang)
Stofferl Well (Trompete)
Preisträgerkonzert, Heidecksburg
06.07.2014, 11:00
Folker-Bühne, Konzert mit Interview
07407 Rudolstadt,
Klezmer session at The Harrison
Sunday July 6, 2014, 8-10.30pm
The Harrison,
28 Harrison Street,
London WC1H 8JF
The London Klezmer Quartet anchors this monthly slot. Bring an instrument and a tune to share, or just come along to listen.
Free entry
Klezmer Music
Ilana Cravitz
Date: 7 July 2014 Time: 7:00 PM
Finishes: 11 July 2014 Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings
Type of Event: Summer School
Series: Summer Music School Timetable
Course Dates: 7-11 July, Mon-Fri, 7-9pm
Course fees: £90 (concs £70) -> book online
Come and discover the joys of klezmer with Ilana Cravitz (fiddle), one of the UK’s top teachers and performers.. Over the course of the week you'll learn how to play the soulful and celebratory music of Jews from Eastern Europe from the last century. We’ll be looking at tunes, ornamentation and accompaniment, as well as dance steps to go with the melodies that form this rich & enjoyable musical tradition.
Open to all instruments and ages. Minimum instrumental proficiency Grade 5 or equivalent; no klezmer experience necessary.
In association with the Jewish Music Institute.
Contact Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4500
Contact Fax: +44 (0)20 7898 4519
Klezmer Music
Ilana Cravitz
Date: 7 July 2014 Time: 7:00 PM
Finishes: 11 July 2014 Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings
Type of Event: Summer School
Series: Summer Music School Timetable
Course Dates: 7-11 July, Mon-Fri, 7-9pm
Course fees: £90 (concs £70) -> book online
Come and discover the joys of klezmer with Ilana Cravitz (fiddle), one of the UK’s top teachers and performers.. Over the course of the week you'll learn how to play the soulful and celebratory music of Jews from Eastern Europe from the last century. We’ll be looking at tunes, ornamentation and accompaniment, as well as dance steps to go with the melodies that form this rich & enjoyable musical tradition.
Open to all instruments and ages. Minimum instrumental proficiency Grade 5 or equivalent; no klezmer experience necessary.
In association with the Jewish Music Institute.
Contact Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4500
Contact Fax: +44 (0)20 7898 4519
Klezmer Music
Ilana Cravitz
Date: 7 July 2014 Time: 7:00 PM
Finishes: 11 July 2014 Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings
Type of Event: Summer School
Series: Summer Music School Timetable
Course Dates: 7-11 July, Mon-Fri, 7-9pm
Course fees: £90 (concs £70) -> book online
Come and discover the joys of klezmer with Ilana Cravitz (fiddle), one of the UK’s top teachers and performers.. Over the course of the week you'll learn how to play the soulful and celebratory music of Jews from Eastern Europe from the last century. We’ll be looking at tunes, ornamentation and accompaniment, as well as dance steps to go with the melodies that form this rich & enjoyable musical tradition.
Open to all instruments and ages. Minimum instrumental proficiency Grade 5 or equivalent; no klezmer experience necessary.
In association with the Jewish Music Institute.
Contact Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4500
Contact Fax: +44 (0)20 7898 4519
Klezmer Music
Ilana Cravitz
Date: 7 July 2014 Time: 7:00 PM
Finishes: 11 July 2014 Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings
Type of Event: Summer School
Series: Summer Music School Timetable
Course Dates: 7-11 July, Mon-Fri, 7-9pm
Course fees: £90 (concs £70) -> book online
Come and discover the joys of klezmer with Ilana Cravitz (fiddle), one of the UK’s top teachers and performers.. Over the course of the week you'll learn how to play the soulful and celebratory music of Jews from Eastern Europe from the last century. We’ll be looking at tunes, ornamentation and accompaniment, as well as dance steps to go with the melodies that form this rich & enjoyable musical tradition.
Open to all instruments and ages. Minimum instrumental proficiency Grade 5 or equivalent; no klezmer experience necessary.
In association with the Jewish Music Institute.
Contact Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4500
Contact Fax: +44 (0)20 7898 4519
10 July, 7.30pm
Chichester Festival
West Sussex
Klezmer Music
Ilana Cravitz
Date: 7 July 2014 Time: 7:00 PM
Finishes: 11 July 2014 Time: 9:00 PM
Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings
Type of Event: Summer School
Series: Summer Music School Timetable
Course Dates: 7-11 July, Mon-Fri, 7-9pm
Course fees: £90 (concs £70) -> book online
Come and discover the joys of klezmer with Ilana Cravitz (fiddle), one of the UK’s top teachers and performers.. Over the course of the week you'll learn how to play the soulful and celebratory music of Jews from Eastern Europe from the last century. We’ll be looking at tunes, ornamentation and accompaniment, as well as dance steps to go with the melodies that form this rich & enjoyable musical tradition.
Open to all instruments and ages. Minimum instrumental proficiency Grade 5 or equivalent; no klezmer experience necessary.
In association with the Jewish Music Institute.
Contact Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4500
Contact Fax: +44 (0)20 7898 4519
Semer Label Reloaded
Semer war die florierende Plattenmarke für jiddische und hebräische Schlager, kantorale Musik und Opernarien, die von 1930 bis 1938 im zunehmend unsicheren Berlin die Lieder jüdischer Musiker aufnahm und verbreitete. Erwerben konnte man die Aufnahmen in Hirsch Lewins hebräischer Buchhandlung in der Grenadierstraße im Berliner Scheunenviertel....
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lvivklezfest
Semer Label Reloaded
Semer war die florierende Plattenmarke für jiddische und hebräische Schlager, kantorale Musik und Opernarien, die von 1930 bis 1938 im zunehmend unsicheren Berlin die Lieder jüdischer Musiker aufnahm und verbreitete. Erwerben konnte man die Aufnahmen in Hirsch Lewins hebräischer Buchhandlung in der Grenadierstraße im Berliner Scheunenviertel....
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lvivklezfest
Semer Label Reloaded
Semer war die florierende Plattenmarke für jiddische und hebräische Schlager, kantorale Musik und Opernarien, die von 1930 bis 1938 im zunehmend unsicheren Berlin die Lieder jüdischer Musiker aufnahm und verbreitete. Erwerben konnte man die Aufnahmen in Hirsch Lewins hebräischer Buchhandlung in der Grenadierstraße im Berliner Scheunenviertel....
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lvivklezfest
17 July, time tbc
JW3 Jewish Community Centre
London, UK
David Buchbinder's Odessa/Havana
Thursday, July 17
The Jazz Room
Waterloo, ON
Celebrate the Centerpiece of the Jewish Choral Movement
Join us at the 25th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
July 20 - 24, 2014
Hudson Valley Resort and Spa
Click here to register now
LaM'natzeach Award to Matthew Lazar
For Sparking a Renaissance of Jewish Choral Music
11th Hallel V'Zimrah Award to Marsha Bryan Edelman and Dan Freelander
Celebrating 25 Years of Song! This year's Festival includes A Choral Festival Retrospective Commemorative Journal NAJCF "Then and Now" Photos
More Choral Performances
More Community Singing
Special Young Adult Programming
Exciting New Workshops
Celebrate the Centerpiece of the Jewish Choral Movement
Join us at the 25th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
July 20 - 24, 2014
Hudson Valley Resort and Spa
Click here to register now
LaM'natzeach Award to Matthew Lazar
For Sparking a Renaissance of Jewish Choral Music
11th Hallel V'Zimrah Award to Marsha Bryan Edelman and Dan Freelander
Celebrating 25 Years of Song! This year's Festival includes A Choral Festival Retrospective Commemorative Journal NAJCF "Then and Now" Photos
More Choral Performances
More Community Singing
Special Young Adult Programming
Exciting New Workshops
Celebrate the Centerpiece of the Jewish Choral Movement
Join us at the 25th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
July 20 - 24, 2014
Hudson Valley Resort and Spa
Click here to register now
LaM'natzeach Award to Matthew Lazar
For Sparking a Renaissance of Jewish Choral Music
11th Hallel V'Zimrah Award to Marsha Bryan Edelman and Dan Freelander
Celebrating 25 Years of Song! This year's Festival includes A Choral Festival Retrospective Commemorative Journal NAJCF "Then and Now" Photos
More Choral Performances
More Community Singing
Special Young Adult Programming
Exciting New Workshops
Celebrate the Centerpiece of the Jewish Choral Movement
Join us at the 25th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
July 20 - 24, 2014
Hudson Valley Resort and Spa
Click here to register now
LaM'natzeach Award to Matthew Lazar
For Sparking a Renaissance of Jewish Choral Music
11th Hallel V'Zimrah Award to Marsha Bryan Edelman and Dan Freelander
Celebrating 25 Years of Song! This year's Festival includes A Choral Festival Retrospective Commemorative Journal NAJCF "Then and Now" Photos
More Choral Performances
More Community Singing
Special Young Adult Programming
Exciting New Workshops
Celebrate the Centerpiece of the Jewish Choral Movement
Join us at the 25th Annual North American Jewish Choral Festival
July 20 - 24, 2014
Hudson Valley Resort and Spa
Click here to register now
LaM'natzeach Award to Matthew Lazar
For Sparking a Renaissance of Jewish Choral Music
11th Hallel V'Zimrah Award to Marsha Bryan Edelman and Dan Freelander
Celebrating 25 Years of Song! This year's Festival includes A Choral Festival Retrospective Commemorative Journal NAJCF "Then and Now" Photos
More Choral Performances
More Community Singing
Special Young Adult Programming
Exciting New Workshops
Federmentsh - Lider fun yidishland
Markus Milian Müller (Bass)
Roman Seehon (Schlagzeug)
27.07.2014, 19:00
Neunkirchen am Brand
Wagnergasse 8
91077 Ermreuth, Germany