Related info:
About Di Gojim
Grine Medine
Noch a Sjoh
Ideeel Organiseren web site (Di Gojim management)

Di Gojim
Fun sjtetl un sjtets
Syncoop 5756 CD 201
Management: Ideëel World Music
Weteringschans 269, 1017 XJ Amsterdam
+31 (0) 20 420 17 11 / fax: +31 (0) 20 626 68 45
Di Gojim
fun sjtetl un sjtets
Vincent Knaven: Slagwerk, vibrafoon, toepan en backing vocals
Jaap Mulder: Klarinet, alt saxofoon, sopraan saxofoon, tinwhistle, en backing vocals; leadzang op 1, 3, 4, 5, , 10, 12, 13
Tseard Nauta: Trombone op 1, 2, 5, 7, 13; contrabas, viool, banjo, gitaar, piano, backing vocals
Sjaak van der Reijden Trompet, backing vocals; leadzang op 6
Eric Roelofsen Bastuba, trombone op 1d, 9, 12, 13; bastrombone, viool, whistle, backing vocals
Jacob Sijtsma Accordeon, backing vocals
- Roemeense Suite (T & m Aaron Lebedeff) 12:04
- Araber Tantz (Trad./t: Moishe Oysher) 8:03
- Dos Keshenever Shtikele (Moishe Oysher) 4:54
- Di Sapozhkelech (Trad.) 4:46
- Oyf Di Felder/In the trenches (Trad.) 11:56
- Mechuteyneste Mayne (Trad.) 6:30
- In Ades (Gilrod & Sandler) 3:37
- Second Avenue Square Dance (D. Tarras/A. Ellstein) 3:45
- Motl Der Operator (C. Tauber/N. Brandwein) 3:17
- Mayn Ru'e Platz (M. Rosenfeld/trad.) 3:16
- A Farschwartzter Fojgl Doïna Un Hora (Trad.) 4:12
- Di Grine Kuzine (H. Pryzant/A. Schwartz) 2:58
- Wot Ken You Makh? Es Iz Amerike!/7.40 P.M. (Aaron Lebedeff) 4:24
One of my favorite, brassy, celebratory klezmer bands is back with a new album. Ever since I heard Grine Medine a few years ago, I have been a fan. What is surprising, and very welcome on this album, is that the band simply feels more mature. It plays with stronger authority, and there are moments when the band isn't just having fun. Something deeper is happening.
The opening Romanian Suite, with it's thoughtful doina provides a perfect illustration, and even better, the suite eventually segues into a fun recital of Lebedeff's "Roumania Roumania." At the same time, this newly evidenced maturity is what enables them to do a stunning "Dos Keshenever Shtikele," with convincing, mournful vocals and perfect instrumental underpinnings.
Part of what makes Di Gojim unique is a blend of European jazz with American-style klezmer. Unlike many other European klezmer bands, they are not picking up the traditional klezmer as it existed prior to the Holocaust, but rather, catching the exuberance and playfulness of that amalgam that made the American version of this fusion music unique. But, if you have problem with a Dutch-accented Yiddish singer complaining, "what can you do? This is America?" then I would contend that you have simply missed the point and owe it to yourself to run out and purchase this album, and to play it until you find yourself dancing.
Reviewed by Ari Davidow, 12/22/96. Revised 1/14/97