Andy Statman and Dave Grisman / Songs of our Fathers

Andy Statman / David Grisman
Songs of our fathers
Accoustic Disk 014, 1995
Box 4143
San Rafael, CA 94913
800 221-DISC / 415 499-0365
CD and MP3s available from retailers everywhere (Amazon, iTunes, etc.)
Okay. Sometimes there is a place for the old melodies. There are times when what one wants is a soulful, quietly brilliant playing. These are traditional melodies played by two brilliant musicians. In funny ways, the modern accoustic sensibilities represented by Grisman and Statman also transform these songs for our times. This is the album for when you want to listen to quiet beauty with a healthy pinch of yiddishkeit.
Reviewed by Ari Davidow 6/17/95
This album was reviewed by the Northern California Jewish Bulletin in its June 16, 1995 issue, by Joseph Berkofsky.
By way of additional information and explanation, this release from the WELL's Jewish Conference, posted by David Gans, reprinted here with permission:
Mon Dec 5 '94 (13:49)
From the next ACOUSTIC NEWS:
Andy Statman/David Grisman
Songs of Our Fathers (ACD 14)
On the next Acoustic Disc release, mandolinists Andy Statman and David Grisman explore their shared heritage through traditional Jewish melodies—some of them written hundreds of years ago. "Such mystical thought and intention went into the writing of this music," said Statman, explaining the very passionate nature of the melodies on Songs of Our Fathers. "They say that melodies can go where words cannot. This is music that was intended to evoke deep feelings and thought."
Statman, 45, became interested in this music when he was 18 years old and had already taken mandolin lessons from a young David Grisman. "I had a bluegrass background and was compelled by this powerful, vivacious form of instrumental folk music," Statman said. The music became a catalyst for his own spiritual search for identity and today he is a practicing Orthodox Jew living in Brooklyn with his wife and four children. Still, says Statman, Songs of Our Fathers will find appeal well beyond the Jewish community: "These are beautiful melodies, played very well, by great musicians. It's just great music."
To create the project's wonderful ensemble feeling, Grisman and Statman (who is also a world-class clarinetist) solicited the help of the great Hal Blaine on drums and percussion and the incomparable Edgar Meyer on arco bass. In addition to David Grisman Quintet members Enrique Coria (on guitar) and Jim Kerwin (on bass), you will also hear the remarkable sound of Zachariah Spellman, from the San Francisco Opera, playing tuba - the instrument that provided the bass line in traditional Jewish music.
Personnel this recording:
Andy Statman: mandolin, clarinet, mando-cello
David Grisman: mandolin, mandola, octave mandolin
Enrique Coria: guitar
Zachariah Spellman: tuba
Jim Kerwin: bass
Edgar Meyer: arco bass
Hal Blaine: drums and percussion
Strings on "Shalom Aleichem" arranged by David Grisman
Irene Sazer: violin, viola
Larry Granger: cello
Song Titles
- Shalom Aleichem 1:36
- Chassidic Medley: Adir Hu / Moshe Emes 4:12
- Shomer Yisrael 6:05
- Toska 3:45
- Bashie's Bounce 2:56
- Dovid Melech Yisrael 2:04
- Shabbos Waltz 4:20
- For the Sake of My Brothers and Friends 5:52
- Der Rebbe 3:57
- Adon Olam 3:23
- Kazatski 3:12
- Shalom Aleichem 7:12