Temple Sinai Klezmer Band / May the borscht be with you

Temple Sinai Klezmer Band
May the Borscht be with You
Temple Sinai,
Tel: 860-561-1055
The Temple Sinai Klezmer Band sounds like an excellent wedding band with a broad repertoire, including some of my favorites--an excellent instrumental "Bei mir bist du shein," a nicely done medley of show tunes, and a lovely collection of freilachs and other Yiddish favorites, all done, unapologetically, mostly from standard, easily available arrangements. (This does lead to a lot of songs with similar names: "fraylach," "fraylachs," and the divergent, "frailach".) There is lots of brass for a nice, full sound, and the band is well-rehearsed and well-practiced. They also seem to enjoy the music, and that matters. This CD is a chance to strut their stuff, and they do it well. Hartford is lucky to have them around.
If I have a kvetch, it is only a minor one--the band neglected to put contact information on the CD, so that the lucky purchasers will be unable to contact the band for simkhas. I have included that information on this page in a couple of places to ensure that it gets out.
Reviewed by Ari Davidow, 10/20/97
Personnel this recording:
Rabbi Jeffrey Bennett: violin, vocals
Dave Cohen: clarinet
Faye Dion: keyboard, tambourine
Doug Engwall: double bass
Karen Engwall: flute
Michael Feldman: alto sax
Edward Friedman: clarinet
Donna Gordon: vocals
Max Gordon: piano
Dean Kavalkovich: trombone
Everett Rosenblatt: violin
Joel Schlank: trumpet
Harvery Seltzer: drums
Ann Speyer: cello
Sheldon Wishnick: tenor sax
- Wu Nemt Men a Bisel Baash (Henry Weinstein, from Kammen International Folios)
- Lena from Palesteena (Con Conrad and J. Russel Robinson; arr. Max Gordon)
- Temple Sinai Freylach (Michael Feldman)
- Fraylachs (trad., arr. S.W. Milstein)
- Bei Mir bis du Schoen (Sholom Secunda; arr. Michael Feldman)
- Odesser Bulgar (arr. from Kammen)
- Abi Gezunt (music: Abraham Ellstein; lyrics: Molly Picon)
- Jewish Overture (arr. from Kammen)
In a Klein Shtiebele (J. Rumshinsky); Glick (Al. Olshanetsky); Mein Yiddishe Meidel (Sholom Secunda); Hoo-tza-tza (P. Kanapoff); Belz, Mein Shtetele Belz (Al. Olshanetsky); Oi I like she (Al. Olshanetsky); Papirossen--"Cigarettes" (Yablokoff); Baigelech--"Bublichki" - Dona Dona (Aaron Zeitlin and Sholom Secunda; arr. Michael Feldman)
- Sher (Trad., arr. S.W. Milstein)
- Un Az Der Rebbe Zingt (arr. Michael Feldman)
- Die Zilberne Khasene (arr. Michael Feldman)
- Frailach (arr. from Kammen)
- Bisele Yash (arr. Michael Feldman)
- Fraylach (arr. from Kammen)
- Mayn Shtetl Yas (M. Kletter; arr. Pete Sokolow)
- Tsenah
- Hava Nagila